Cardiol Portal renews HONcode certification
The Health on the Net Foundation has thoroughly checked the Cardiol portal, which had the HONcode certification renewed on July 22, 2010. This certification is one of the most recognized Health seals on the web.
The HONcode is the code of ethics most largely used and ensures the reliability and quality of health and medicine websites. Currently, it is used by over 7,300 certified websites all over the world, amounting to more than ten million pages, covering 102 countries.
The certification is granted according to a set of fundamental principles to be met by website managers: Authoritative; Complementarity; Privacy; Attributions; Justifiability; Transparency; Financial Disclosure; and Advertising Policy. These principles make up the basic ethical rules that help users know the source and the purpose of the information being provided.
Following the eight principles of HONcode, Cardiol intends to raise the quality of health information, also helping users identify it as a dependable source of information.
HONcode Certificate
The certification, which should be renewed annually, has attested to the reliability of the Cardiol portal information since March 2006.
Updated on July 29, 2010