Alert to Webmail Cardiol users
Beware the fake emails!
BSC does not send any messages to its members requesting any changes to Cardiol emails or passwords, to prevent the stored messages from getting lost, nor does it request that the current email password or personal information be informed.
Never answer to this type of email. Delete it and contact BSC forthwith.
Keep in mind that BSC will never request your password by email or phone call.
It is advisable that you change your password from time to time and use both letters and numbers to make it safer. If you suspect that someone tried to access your account or if you receive an email requesting password confirmation, do not answer it and change your password.
If you have any questions, contact the BSC Support through the email or call 55 21 3478-2700 for further information.
Source: Brazilian Society of Cardiology.
Updated on June 27, 2011